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Arbor Day Around the World

People all over the globe are celebrating Arbor Day—and trees. Select a flag to learn more about each country’s celebration.


The folks down under love to celebrate trees. The country’s Arbor Day is in June, and National Tree Day falls on the last weekend in July. The different regions of 澳大利亚 also celebrate Arbor Week, which occurs at varying times throughout the year.


In 巴西, Arbor Day (Dia da Arvore) is celebrated on September 21. It used to be held on June 7 but was moved to coincide with the beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere. 在苏茜, 圣保罗, it has been celebrated every year since the first Festa das ’Arvores on June 7, 1902.

巴巴多斯国旗 巴巴多斯

巴巴多斯 celebrates Arbor Day on September 22.

保加利亚国旗 保加利亚

保加利亚’s National Forest Day is celebrated during the first week of April.

加拿大国旗 加拿大

In 加拿大, Maple Leaf Day falls on the last Wednesday in September during National Forest Week. Ontario celebrates Arbor Week from the last Friday in April to the first Sunday in May. And Nova Scotia celebrates Arbor Day on the Thursday of National Forest Week.

中国国旗 中国。

In 中国。, Arbor Day is a public holiday on celebrated on March 12. The date was chosen to commemorate the passing of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, known as the father of modern 中国。, in 1925.

Commonwealth of the Northern Marianna Islands

The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianna Islands (CNMI) celebrates Arbor Day on October 1 every year. The Governor of the CNMI traditionally conducts a Proclamation of Arbor Day on the last week of September. Celebrations generally extend into an Arbor Month throughout the month of October.

德国国旗 德国

Germans celebrate Arbor Day (Tag des Baumes) on April 25.

关岛旗 关岛

In 关岛, Arbor Day is celebrated on the second Tuesday in October.

荷兰国旗 荷兰

荷兰 celebrated the 50th Dutch National Tree Festival on March 22, 2006.

冰岛旗 冰岛

冰岛 holds Students’ Afforestation Day.

印度国旗 印度

印度 celebrates the National Festival of Tree 种植.

以色列国旗 以色列

在以色列, Tu Bishvat or Tu B'Shevat (New Year of the 澳门威尼斯人游戏) is celebrated on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat.

日本国旗 日本

The 日本ese celebrate Midori Noni (Greenery Day or Greenery Week) in late April.

约旦国旗 约旦

约旦’s Arbor Day is January 15.

韩国国旗 韩国

韩国 celebrates Tree-Loving Week in early April.

马耳他旗 马耳他

马耳他 celebrates Arbor Day on January 15 every year.

墨西哥国旗 墨西哥

墨西哥 celebrates Dia del Arbol (Day of the Tree) or National Tree Day in July.

纳米比亚国旗 纳米比亚

纳米比亚’s national Arbor Day celebration usually takes place the second Friday in October. A national tree chosen as the Tree of the Year is planted, and tree planting is promoted country wide.

新西兰国旗 新西兰

新西兰 celebrates Arbor Day on June 5, which is also World Environment Day.

菲律宾国旗 菲律宾

菲律宾 celebrates the Philippine Arbor Day on June 25.

波多黎各旗 波多黎各

波多黎各 celebrates Arbor Day on the last Friday in September.

旗 The Island Territory of St. Maarten The Island Territory of St. Maarten

圣. Maarten National Day of 澳门威尼斯人游戏 is held on March 22 each year.

苏格兰旗 苏格兰

苏格兰 celebrates Scottish Branch Arbor Day.

南非国旗 南非

南非 celebrates Arbour Week on September 1–7.

西班牙国旗 西班牙

西班牙 has Fiesta del Arbol (Tree Festival) on March 26. It is the anniversary of the day King Alfonso planted a pine tree near Madrid in 1895.

多哥国旗 多哥

多哥 celebrates 多哥lese Arbor Day.

突尼斯国旗 突尼斯

突尼斯's Tree Festival Day is November 9.

旗 联合王国 联合王国

The 联合王国 celebrates National Tree Week at the start of tree planting season in November. They also celebrate National Tree Dressing Day on the first weekend in December.

旗 United States of America United States of America

In 美国nited States, National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April. Each state celebrates its own Arbor Day according to the best planting time.

旗 the Virgin Islands 维尔京群岛

美国. S. Virgin Islands celebrates Arbor Day the last Friday in September.

旗 西萨摩亚

In 西萨摩亚, Arbor Day is the first Friday in November.

旗 也门

每一年, 拯救也门的植物群 & 动物 (SYFF) celebrates 也门 Arbor Day according to the best tree planting time.

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